Monday, May 3, 2010

On the Meaning and Usage of “Bitch-Slap”

First posted at DailyKos, strongly criticizing that blog's misogynistic culture.

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Tue Dec 05, 2006 at 08:42:05 AM PDT

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The Urban Dictionary offers seven variations on the meaning of the term, "bitch-slap".  A close read of these definitions reveals that a "bitch-slap" is, by definition, an act of cowardice.
As found in the Urban Dictionary,  Definition #1    explains that "bitch-slap" can be used as a verb:
Bitch-slap:    To open handedly slap someone. Denotes disrespect for the person being bitch slapped as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Suggests the slap was met with little resistance and much whining:
Kieth owed me that $20 for weeks and I had to bitch slap the M.F. to get it back.  "BITCH-SLAP" #1
This definition makes it clear that a bitch slap, used literally, is a blow delivered by a man to a woman who is smaller than him and is, therefore, unable to defend herself.  Thus, the blow is painful and hurtful yet, because the victim is smaller and relatively powerless compared to the aggressor, as when a man slaps a woman, the blow is "met with little resistance and much whining".
Now, consider     definition #4     from the Urban Dictionary:
bitch slap:
 To disrespectfully slap someone in the face with an open hand. The implication is that the person being slapped is not manly enough [e.g. a woman or someone equally physically powerless] to be worthy of a real punch. Term is used figuratively to mean putting someone in their place (or diss) in no uncertain terms.  BITCH-SLAP #4
Definition # 5 focuses on the unequal power relationship in which a "bitch-slap" occurs, ie. by a more powerful person for the purpose of "putting someone in their place".
bitch slap:
A slap delivered with an open hand to the face for a variety of reasons, often just to "put someone in their place." Different from a "pimp slap", which uses the back of the hand and is usually disciplinary. Also considered more demeaning especially if deliverd to a man.
He bitch slapped her just to wake her up a bit.  
Not all "bitch slaps" are delivered to women who are smaller, as Definition # 6 makes clear:
Bitch-Slap #6:  When two men fight like women, although not limited to just men. Can also be described for when two women fight like women. The phenomenon of bitch slapping is further pronounced when during this conflict both parties swat at each other like they are shooing flies/mosquitos regardless of whether any contact is being made. This activity is usually accompanied by high pitched whines, blubbering, sobs and sissified screaming.
Hey guys, stop bitch slapping each other and fight like men!
When John and Brad bicker they begin to bitch slap each other but no blows really land. Then they make up and get back together again.   BITCH-SLAP #6
HERE    is a YouTube video depicting two women inflicting "bitch-slaps" upon one another, showing that a "bitch-slap" is anything but a manly behavior.  "BITCH-SLAP" VIDEO  As between women, it is often an ineffectual insult.
To "bitch-slap" someone is to slap them as you would a woman who is smaller and weaker than you.  If you would not slap a smaller and weaker woman, then it you cannot slap anyone as you would a smaller and weaker woman.
Sometimes, when discussing matters of equity and social justice it is useful to talk about how each of us, as individuals, puts his/her ethical values into practice, and so I discuss here my own personal experience and approach to this subject matter.
I never use the term "bitch-slap" because I consider it to be offensive.  But, when I was ten years old, I punched a girl for sitting on my lap.  (That was before I understood that having a girl sit on my lap could be worthwhile.)
Since that time, I can say with gratitude that I have never slapped, punched or otherwise violently abused a woman.  So, I personally would never use the term "bitch-slap" except for the purpose of explaining why I find it to be so repugnant; since I do not slap women, I would not and cannot slap anyone "as I would a woman."
When we say and celebrate that one person has "bitch-slapped" another, whether we know it or not we are stating that the person has taken advantage of being larger to inflict physical pain on someone who is smaller and relatively powerless.  As such, bitch-slapping is an act of cowardice, because it:
implies a weak or ignoble lack of courage.  COWARDLY  
The potential offensiveness of the term "bitch-slap" goes far beyond the mere vulgarity of the word "bitch", because the term "bitch-slap" explicitly denotes violence toward a woman or toward a person who is relatively less powerful physically, as a woman often is.   When we say that one person has "bitch-slapped" another, we explicitly reference the unequal power relationships between men and women and we simultaneously celebrate an instance in which one person has taken advantage of an unequal power relationship for the purpose of inflicting physical harm and humiliation upon another person.
A "bitch slap" is the physical manifestation and celebration of the unequal power relationship between a man and a woman, and the ability to misuse that inequality to inflict injustice at will.
There is no definition for the phase "bitch-slap" at Wikipedia.Com.  Instead, there is the following notice:
This page has been deleted, and protected to prevent re-creation.  WIKIPEDIA "BITCH-SLAP" NOTICE  

Although no explicit explanation is provided for this editorial decision, the Wikipedia  ETIQUETTE page says,
Wikipedia's contributors come from many different countries and cultures. We have different views, perspectives, and backgrounds, sometimes varying widely. Treating others with respect is key to collaborating effectively in building an encyclopedia.  
The fact that no page may be created in the Wikipedia encyclopedia for the term bitch-slap may be a reflection of the desire "collaborate effectively" with "contributors from many different countries and cultures".  WIKIPEDIA ETIQUETTE
The phrase "bitch-slap" is often and regularly used at DailyKos.  You can find it in    STORIES  The term appears in story    TITLES   And the term appears regularly in    DIARIES,  both in the titles and in the content.
The phrase "bitch-slap" has become all too common in American speech, with 655,000 entries at   Google.  The fact that this phrase it used at all at DailyKos and, in fact, is used quite often raises a number of important questions and issues:
  1. Do users realize that the term literally glorifies and encourages violence against women?
  1. If users do realize this, are they unaware that others might consider the usage offensive?
  1. Do users realize they are calling someone a coward when they say the person has bitch-slapped a person who is weaker and unable to respond in kind?
  1. Why don’t people just refrain from the use of this term and replace it with another that is more exact and less potentially offensive?
Finally, one might ask if this diary itself is not     "flame bait"       ,
A posting intended to trigger a flame war, or one that invites flames in reply.
That question, in turn, raises the question of whether DailyKos is a place where one can discuss matters involving justice and equality.  In America, such matters often generate heated discussion; they are contentious and they remain largely festering and unresolved in our society.  To the extent that DailyKos addresses the relevant issues of the day, including issues of justice and equality, it is inevitable that heated discussion will sometimes ensue.
Even though DailyKos is a forum wherein the majority establishes speech rules and norms that apply to minority opinions, to the extent that people are able to control the temptation to prevent other people from sharing facts and opinions about matters of equality, and other matters of pressing debate, such a forum can still be useful for discussion and even amelioration of injustices that exist here and in the larger society.
But, as we have seen with the case of the phrase "bitch-slap", a blog that aspires to promote justice in the larger society must also be willing to look inward with courage and a critical eye toward injustices that occur within our gates.
I would not urge that usage of the phrase "bitch-slap" be outlawed at DailyKos, because I do not believe in censorship except in the most extreme of cases.  I can imagine cases in which the use of the term might be lamentably necessary and appropriate.
However, I would urge those who use the phrase to consider the following:
  1. A bitch-slap is the act of a coward who inflicts pain and humiliation on someone who is smaller and less powerful, and therefore
  1. When you say that one person has "bitch-slapped" another, you are actually and effectively saying that the aggressor has been a coward.
AUTHOR'S NOTE:  DailyKos participants who disagree with the opinions expressed and facts reported in this diary are encouraged to do so by offering other opionions and facts rather than by deleting the diary Tags that enable other readers to find this diary.  Only trusted DailyKos users (TU's) can delete tags.    DK FAQ RE: TAGS  Deleting Tags is a form of censorship and/or childish vandalism that has no place and should not be tolerated at DailyKos.

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